I don't think so.
I have enough to not worry about so as far as I am concerned its in God's hands.
The 2012 doomsday scenario stems in part from the Mayan Calendar and how it is organized and supposedly ends.
I’m not worried about the end of the World because my hope and faith is in my Heavenly Father. He sent his son Jesus to pay the price for my sins so I’m blameless before him and no matter what doomsday scenario that takes place my future with him is set.
In my opinion the media and nay sayers loss what little creditability they might have possessed during and after the year 2000 scare. Not only did they get the year 2000 computer bug theory wrong they failed to foresee the devastating attacks of 9/11. Talk about incompetent.
One thing is for certain, those who have rejected the one true GOD, are in a whole lot of trouble!
It's not about religion it's about relationship!
follow the lilnks below for more:
1) http://www.december212012.com/
2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_phenomenon
3) http://www.2012supplies.com/
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