Thursday, June 17, 2010

Drill Baby Drill = Spill Baby Spill!!!

Don’t get me wrong, I love Sarah Palin, She’s adorable, but her drill baby drill slogan that she famously coined during the 2008 presidential campaign shows why voting for her and that other guy was definitely risky business.  She has now reportedly backtracked and said that she was referring to onshore drilling.  She’ also managed to come out and criticize the current administration on the BP spill. Wow!
While this oil spill is tragic it could have been avoided! 
About 2 decades ago the magazine Popular Science would routinely feature functioning solar and electric powered cars. Somehow the technologies behind these inventions never made it to production.  Perhaps these technologies and patents were quietly purchase by Oil companies who then simply shelved them away.
Hopefully as oil companies continue to drill and spill, public opinion on the use of fossil fuels will abruptly shift to the use of renewable energies.

Lakers vs. Celtics: Rivary Renewed!

The renewed Lakers vs. Celtics rivalry has definitely lived up to the hype.  Kobe & Company taking on Rondo and his gang has produced an action packed series.  Of course Kobe won’t be able to win the finals by himself.  He will need his teammates to step up and contribute and the Celtics will need to play through any spectacular performances he might produce.
So far the play of Rondo in the beginning of the series was a boost as he was able to coordinate the offense and get his teammates involved.  Then Ray Allen’s record breaking Finals three point shot barrage was a mega boost.  And not to be left out was Glen “Big Baby” Davis who came off the bench and slaughtered the Lakers and then slobbered all over them! Derek Fisher has repeatedly stepped up and delivered for the Lakers but other team members will need too to.  So far it looks like the Celtics might just steamroll their way right to the Championship, but I predict that the Lakers will win in 7.
When two good teams like these compete against one another the fans are the ultimate winners and the National Basketball Association will also hugely benefit as a result of this renewed rivalry.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Karate Kid: 2010

What do you get when you combine Will Smith with Jada Pinkett?  You get a flexible young fella by the name of Jaden Smith.  When I say flexible, I mean real flexible.  This kid could probably kick a traffic light standing still!  This movie has the perfect Mr. Miyagi character in Jackie Chan.  The preview trailer for the film did a great job in laying out the pretext of the plot.  The first Karate Kid movie was a classic and this modern interpretation should match or maybe even exceed its predecessor.
In a season filled with 3-D disasters, The Karate Kid has the potential to rise to the top, where Jaiden can kick the hell out of it!

Halloween Helen!

Halloween came early this year with the Wicked Witch of the West Wing, Helen Thomas looking scary and making even scarier comments about Israel!  She and Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadiinejad should get married.
How could someone be so stupid?  Trust me; calling her as well as those Middle Eastern dictatorships that oppose Israel, stupid is being very kind.  When you consider that the Hebrew nation endured and overcame the suppression of the ancient Egyptian empire, survived the horrible Nazi Holocaust and subdued the aggressive middle east in 1967 during the 6 Day War, how anyone could rally against and oppose the Jewish Nation having full knowledge of the atrocities’ committed against her is beyond deplorable. It’s just evil, plain evil.

Cavs No Haves!!!

Well it looks like Superman and the King failed to get the job done.  Old man Shaq is going to have to hate on Kobe again this year, but it’s not Kobe’s fault that O’Neal’s super ego caused him to leave the Lakers. The Cavs were a pretty good team in 2010, but being pretty good and being great are two different things.  Greatness wins championships.  Lebron may stay in Cleveland if he can get some descent help.  He could probably win a championship soon if he went to Miami.  King James and D. Wade: now that’s a winning combination!