Monday, October 19, 2009

Highest Grossing Movie in the World ever!!!

The trailer for this movie looks absolutely great!
The upcoming Avatar movie looks really great from what I can tell. In reality the plot is quite similar to the so called discovery and colonization of the America. It has a twist to the plot though because somehow the disabled lead character is able to control with his mind a physical body that resembles one of the native inhabitants of this new world.
The movie seems like it has a good plot and will be a visual feast as well.

The movie is due out in December so stay tunded.
follow the links below for more:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Windows Vista is great? Vista was and is exciting to use and does not require the extra memory to run that 7 will.
Windows 7 has now been released and from what I can tell, it really hasn’t made a difference or impact one way or the other. Most PC users are still comfortable with Windows XP and are probably too complacent or frugal to desire an upgrade.
Windows Vista is perfect if you ask me.

"If you approve of Windows 7 or not, one thing is certain, Microsoft is constantly a continually loosing precious ground to Apple both perceptually and literally".
First there was the Zune that flopped horribly, then there was Vista that lacked a brilliant marketing campaign, and now Apple has ever growing iTunes and iPhone apps sites that should have the gaming industry shaking in their boots.
follow the links below for more:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Swine Flu / N1H1 virus!

Global Plague or Pandemic Propaganda!?!?
The media hype over the H1N1 has reached record proportions. Not in recent times has a “media epidemic” received so much attention.
The makers of TAMIFLU can thank the news channels for making them very rich.
Actually TAMIFLU is made by Roche Laboratories.
Earlier, I had posted a call for everyone to make sure that they got vaccinated, but then I realized I was just joining in with all the hype.
Instead of getting drugged up with a so called vaccination why not eat more fruits and vegetables and get 2 extra hours of sleep each night, and wash your hands frequently to help build up your immune system so that it can guard against all types of flu.
Thank you!

follow the links below for more:

Apple Netbook Coming Soon?

What will it actually look like? It will probably set the industry standard just as the ipod, macbooks, and iphone have!
It is rumored that Apple Inc. will be releasing their version a netbook.
This would make perfect sense, due the wide and ever growing popularity of these devises, but to date, these are only rumors because Apple has not officially released any information to support all the speculation.
I believe and hope that Apple will release a netbook. The speculators say that it would be towards the end of 2009 in time for the Christmas shopping season, but this is not concrete, and a release might be several months away.
One thing is certain though, if and when Apple produces a netbook it will become the industry standard.
Above are a couple conceptual depictions of what an Apple netbook might look like.
I personally believe that an Apple netbook would have a 12” screen minimal, but we shall see.
follow the links below for more:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Is 2012 just another 2000 scare?

Oh no, its the end of the world!
I don't think so.
I have enough to not worry about so as far as I
am concerned its in God's hands.
The 2012 doomsday scenario stems in part from the Mayan Calendar and how it is organized and supposedly ends.
I’m not worried about the end of the World because my hope and faith is in my Heavenly Father. He sent his son Jesus to pay the price for my sins so I’m blameless before him and no matter what doomsday scenario that takes place my future with him is set.
In my opinion the media and nay sayers loss what little creditability they might have possessed during and after the year 2000 scare. Not only did they get the year 2000 computer bug theory wrong they failed to foresee the devastating attacks of 9/11. Talk about incompetent.
One thing is for certain, those who have rejected the one true GOD, are in a whole lot of trouble!

It's not about religion it's about relationship!
follow the lilnks below for more:

Congradulations Mr. President on the Nobel!

Well it looks like the whole world appreciates President Obama's leadership.
Bravo President Obama!
It’s great to have an Intelligent leader who the rest of the world appreciates and respects.
Barak Obama is quite a talented individual with a unique and insightful approach.
He also had a campaign dream team. His administration is impressive as well even though early on there a few questionable hick ups in candidate selections. All in all he has been able to accomplish a great deal in fairly a short period of time.
The previous administration’s inability to deal with issues of national concern as they spiraled out of control to the extent of catastrophe and meltdown was embarrassing.
From Iraq to widespread corruption the country for the past 8 years has been unraveling at the seams at an astonishing rate. Our dependence on foreign oil is negligent, our confidence in card credit irresponsible, our rampant greed shameful.
We are getting a first hand account of what happens to a nation that forgets GOD.
That being said the Obama administration is working hard to redirect the corrosive polices of the past few years. First and foremost is the economy. Under no circumstance can a politician from the left or right convince me that President Obama, whose mother had to worry about medical bills as she was battling terminal cancer, is trying to destroy the health care system. These politicians are the most unpatriotic citizens of all as they shamelessly jockey for political position at the cost of the nation.
We must continue to pray for the nation and President Obama, that he will seek the guidance of GOD, especially in matters of the nation’s moral situation.

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