The movie seems like it has a good plot and will be a visual feast as well.
Well it looks like the whole world appreciates President Obama's leadership.
Bravo President Obama!
It’s great to have an Intelligent leader who the rest of the world appreciates and respects.
Barak Obama is quite a talented individual with a unique and insightful approach.
He also had a campaign dream team. His administration is impressive as well even though early on there a few questionable hick ups in candidate selections. All in all he has been able to accomplish a great deal in fairly a short period of time.
The previous administration’s inability to deal with issues of national concern as they spiraled out of control to the extent of catastrophe and meltdown was embarrassing.
From Iraq to widespread corruption the country for the past 8 years has been unraveling at the seams at an astonishing rate. Our dependence on foreign oil is negligent, our confidence in card credit irresponsible, our rampant greed shameful.
We are getting a first hand account of what happens to a nation that forgets GOD.
That being said the Obama administration is working hard to redirect the corrosive polices of the past few years. First and foremost is the economy. Under no circumstance can a politician from the left or right convince me that President Obama, whose mother had to worry about medical bills as she was battling terminal cancer, is trying to destroy the health care system. These politicians are the most unpatriotic citizens of all as they shamelessly jockey for political position at the cost of the nation.
We must continue to pray for the nation and President Obama, that he will seek the guidance of GOD, especially in matters of the nation’s moral situation.
follow the links below for more:
1) http://www.barackobama.com/
2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama